mercoledì 15 marzo 2017

Assessing a possible impact of a 25bp rate hike

Based on a simplified DCF model DIAWONDS® has estimated the possible impact of a 25bp rate hike on the value of the first 73 companies by market cap., of the S&P500 index, different from financial and insurance companies, which together represent the 50% of the total market cap. of the index itself as at march 14, 2017. Here are the basic assumptions: Total free cash flows of the 73 companies: $498.9 B. WACC: 7.5% (adj. beta: 0.96; risk free: 2.6%; ERP: 6.12%; tax rate: 20.3%) Annual FCF’s growth expected for the next 10Y: 2.9% Annual FCF's growth expected beyond 10Y in perpetuity: 2.8% Total financial debt: $1,828.7 B Total cash: $938.1 B Total value of equity: $10,058.5 B Total market cap. of the 73 companies: $10,893 B Total value of equity when the WACC is increased by 25bp: $9,508 B, which means a 5.5% reduction in the total value of the 73 companies. It seems like the market does not bother about what a reduction in value means and instead it keeps going on in its rise.


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